How it Works?

Prashna Jyotisha, a branch of ancient Vedic Astrology, originates from the Prashna Upanishad. Unlike traditional astrology that relies on birth details, Prashna Jyotisha also known as Horary Astrology—provides answers based on the exact moment a question is asked.


At this pivotal moment, the astrologer determines the Ascendant (Lagna) by shuffling sacred cowries, aligning the cosmic energies with the seeker’s query. Each question generates a unique Lagna, making every consultation a fresh astrological reading.


The planetary positions at that instant are considered a divine reflection of the universal will, resonating perfectly with the querist’s circumstances. This real-time celestial snapshot enables the astrologer to analyze the Prashna Kundali and offer precise, spiritually guided answers.


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